Partner Overview

Merge is a single API to add hundreds of integrations to your app in days, not years. Developers integrate once with the platform to offer integrations in categories like HRIS/Payroll, ATS, Accounting, CRM, Ticketing and more to their customers.

Quickly and painlessly add integrations with an accessible API design, SDKs in multiple languages, and in-depth documentation. Fully searchable logs, automated issue detection, and customizable alerts provide everything your customer success team needs to shine.

Spare your developers hundreds of hours for each integration they build and maintain. Your product team will thank you!

Key features:

  • Merge Link: Your users authorize integrations via a drop-in component in your app.
  • Continuous syncing: Build in-app functionality powered by data continuously synced for each integration and connected customer account.
  • One data model: “Common Models” provide normalized, constantly synced data for each category of integrations.

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Merge makes adding and maintaining your Bob integration incredibly simple with a Unified API for HR, Payroll, and Directory platforms.

The platform allows developers to add a Bob integration to their product much more quickly and cost-effectively than if they were to build the integration themselves. Merge normalizes the data synced from Bob’s API and gives developers a full suite of tools (logs, issue detection, etc.) to manage the integration.

To learn more or see this integration in action, click Let’s Go below!

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